Breathe Ocean
Breathe Ocean, The ocean's story is our story. The film follows underwater photographer and filmmaker Annie Crawley exploring the underwater world connecting people to the sea. She also documents the impacts people have on our ocean including ocean pollution, sustainability and climate change. Breathe Ocean film created in partnership with University of Washington Communication Leadership Program and Ocean Link NW documents a growing movement in the Pacific Northwest of people taking action for our ocean.
This film will introduce you to Sierra Harding, a marine archaeologist, who connects people to submerged cultural resources. Sacha Coesel, a research scientist at the University of Washington who explains what lives in the ocean that is perhaps the most important resource on our planet. You will meet extraordinary kids and teens working hard to raise awareness about ocean pollution as public awareness drives corporate and policy change. Dive Xtras, a company here in Washington, took the 30 Day Challenge to Refuse Single Use Plastic for 30 Days. After completing, they knew they could do more. They decided, as a company, to get rid of all single use plastic waste in their products and packaging. Others are joining in the fight to raise awareness about ocean health. You will learn how the City of Edmonds and The Port of Edmonds are raising awareness about ocean pollution and looking into the effects of climate change.
This is the first film in a series of programs being created to connect people to our ocean. We are working on a new book about our ocean, as well as creating a growing movement of ocean activists in schools, groups and organizations around the world. Our goal is to encourage everyone to explore, be inspired, and take action for our ocean and environment.
Contact us if you are interested in our partnership program. We want people to understand their interconnection to the sea. Every breath we take, we breathe ocean. The ocean is underrepresented in education and often misrepresented by the media. We need to help everyone understand how important the ocean is in our lives. We want people to have a conversation about the importance and greatness of our ocean every single day.
Watch this film. Join our team. Share your story. And be the voice of our ocean. Our ocean needs you now more than ever before!